Musangsa 2022년 11월 23일

Have a Mind Revolution by Zen Master Dae Bong

Have a Mind Revolution


When humans are born, we have two main concerns: eating and sleeping. And we are not thinking about them either; we just do it. Then when we are not satisfied, we scream. We have no thought of you and me. As we grow, the other desires appear. Humans have five main desires: food, sleep, sex, money, fame. As we grow these five desires all become stronger.

Consider fame: fame is not only wanting to be on television or in a magazine; fame is wanting attention from others. So everybody has fame karma, even if we don’t care about the television, magazines and so on. Still we want attention from others. Probably the last desire to really appear in our life is money. Nowadays that is the number-one desire in the world. Human society now has no direction. Doesn’t matter what system we live in, everybody wants money.


It doesn’t matter whether you have a good situation or not, the root of our suffering comes from the false idea of “I”. If you are not sure of that, conduct your own experiment: spend some time every day and investigate “I”. Ask yourself What am I? What am I? Am I this body? This mind? These emotions?… Look at your own body and ask, is this me? Is my consciousness me? Is my emotion me? What am I? You don’t know! If you look into that and realize Don’t Know, you will have a mind revolution. Then compassion for the suffering of others will appear.

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